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January Spotlight on Wine with SWA

Discover new venues, wine insights from Marcello Colletti, how to decide on the perfect wine list and explaining the new world vs old world wine dichotomy in this month's articles from Sommelier Wine Award.

International Flavors Take Over London's Dining Scene:

France, Japan, Yorkshire, and Singapore bring unique dining experiences to London with new restaurants like 'Josephine', 'Juno', 'Hansom Restaurant & Wine Bar', and 'Singapulah London'. These spots offer classic French, Japanese, Yorkshire, and Singaporean cuisines in different settings. London's dining scene continues to evolve with these exciting additions.

Navigating Wine Worlds: Redefining Traditions and Trends

Wine professionals debate the relevance of the terms 'Old World' and 'New World', with many rejecting this as a false dichotomy. The Court of Master Sommeliers removes these labels for a more inclusive approach, though the 'New World' remains useful shorthand for many wine drinkers. Explore the full article to discover evolving trends in the varietal-led wine market and value propositions across the globe. Deepen your understanding at Sommelier Wine Awards News.

Balancing Value and Luxury in Wine Selection: Insights from Marcello Colletti

Marcello Colletti, Head Sommelier at Nobu Hotel London Portman Square, shares his insights on balancing value and luxury in wine selection amidst global inflation. Born in Naples and grown in Tuscany, Colletti reflects on his journey and imparts advice to budding sommeliers. Understand his approach to creating an appealing wine list and maintaining customer satisfaction during these challenging times. The full Q&A is a click away at  Sommelier Wine Awards.

Crafting the Perfect Wine List: Sommeliers' Balancing Act

In a dynamic hospitality landscape, sommeliers confront the challenge of crafting wine lists that speak to both the head and heart. From celebratory bibles of rarity to concise collections of intrigue, each sommelier navigates their clientele's desires against the backdrop of economic uncertainty. Read about the trade-offs and triumphs shaping the future of wine listing in the full feature at Sommelier Wine Awards Feature.

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